Professor David Kinley

University of Sydney

David Kinley is Professor and Chair in Human Rights Law at the University of Sydney, and an Academic Expert member of Doughty Street Chambers in London. He is a former Fulbright Senior Scholar at American University Washington College of Law, Herbert Smith Visitor at Cambridge University, and has taught at Oxford and George Washington Universities as well as the Sorbonne. Born in raised in Ireland, he obtained degrees in business, philosophy, law and human rights at Sheffield and Cambridge universities before migrating to Australia in 1990.

He specializes in relations between the global economy and human rights and has worked for more than 25 years with governments, international organisations, law firms, corporations and NGOs in the field. His recent books include Civilising Globalisation: Human Rights and the Global Economy (2009), Principled Engagement: Promoting Human Rights in Repressive States (2013, with Pedersen)), and (with Saul and Mowbray), the ASIL book prize winning, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2014). His latest book, Necessary Evil: How to Fix Finance by Saving Human Rights was published in 2018 by Oxford University Press. He also has a TEDx video: How Much Do Banks Owe Us?

At the MPI he will be embarking on a new project focusing on the role of fintech in socially responsible investment.