Björn Laukemann nominated by the American Law Institute as International Advisor for a new Restatement of Property Law

15 June 2015

Björn Laukemann, MPI Senior Research Fellow, was invited by the American Law Institute to serve as a member of the International Advisory Panel for its upcoming project addressing a Fourth Restatement of Property Law.

Directed by Henry E. Smith (Harvard Law School), this new Restatement intends to make property law more accessible and easier to understand. The project will address classification of entitlements, possession, accession, and acquisition; ownership powers; protection of and limits to ownership rights; divided and shared ownership; title and transfer; easements, servitudes, and land use; and public rights and takings.

Additional links will be formed to areas such as intellectual property or security interests by taking up developments of the recent financial crisis. Focusing more on architectural issues, the study aims at bringing coherence to the much fractured American property law, thus enhancing dialogue with property regimes of other legal systems.

For more information about the project, please see