Publication by Max Planck Fellow Pierre-Henri Conac in the Revue européenne du droit
02 September 2022: In this article, Professor Conac examines the transition from the traditional, non-intrusive posture adopted by the EU in sustainable corporate governance, towards a more responsive, active role. Globally, the european commission is taking the lead by launching green finance and sustainable corporate governance initiatives at an incredible pace. The Commission has adopted an ‘Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth’, an ‘European Green Deal’, and a communication on ‘Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy’ between 2018 and 2021. Further, a proposed Directive on corporate sustainability (CSRD) amending the 2014 NFRD and a proposed directive on Corporate sustainability due diligence were introduced between 2021 and 2022.
This urgency is owed to a desire on the part of the EU to become a global standard-bearer in sustainable finance and corporate governance, underlining the change from an incremental to an ambitious regulatory approach.
To learn more about this transition, read 'Sustainable Corporate Governance in the EU' published in open access at