Past Events
“The Future of EU Trade Policy: The Implications of Opinion 2/15 (EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement)”
Organised by Prof. Eleftheria Neframi (University of Luxembourg) and Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri (Director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
EUFam's Project – International Exchange Seminar
The EUFam's Project, funded by the European Commission, aims to identify difficulties faced by courts and practitioners, to develop uniform best practices and to formulate policy guidelines for future regulations and/or amendments to the current regulations. In that framework and with the purposes of sharing good practices and identifying common...
“The Use and Misuse of European Human Rights Law in Investor-State Arbitration”
Lecturer: Professor José E. Alvarez (University of New York)
28 April 2017
“The Expert in the International Adjudicative Process”
The symposium intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas on a topic of considerable debate and divergent views. It will highlight and confront, among other issues, the appointment of experts, their roles and obligations, the modes of using experts within the framework of the proceedings, and the means of assessing expert evidence...
31 March 2017
“The Making of Decisions of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies”
This workshop aims at allowing a dialog between representatives of various UN Treaty Bodies and academics. It intends to be one step in our investigation about the making of decisions in a comparative perspective, with the leading ideas of identifying the various factors which play a role in this process and assess the effectiveness of the...
Brexit: An opportunity for Frankfurt to become a new hub of litigation in Europe?
On March 30, 2017, the Minister of Justice of the Land Hessen (Federal State of Hesse), Eva Kühne-Hörmann, will organise a conference in Frankfurt to present the „Justizinitiative Frankfurt“ (Justice Initiative Frankfurt). This initiative was launched by Professor Hess, Professor Pfeiffer (Heidelberg University), Professor Duve (Freshfields...
"The effect of the ECHR on the constitutional system of member states"
Lecturer: Professor Dr. Dres. h.c. Jochen Frowein (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)