Past Events
“International Law Theories - An Inquiry into Different Ways of Thinking”
Interview of Prof. Andrea Bianchi (Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva) by Dr Surabhi Ranganathan (University of Cambridge).
Directors' Duties and Liabilities during insolvency or the period approaching insolvency
Lecturer: Professor Juana Pulgar Ezquerra, Professor in Commercial Law (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain)
Within the context of the “Referentenrunde” organised by the Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law, Professor Juana Pulgar Ezquerra will give a presentation on “Director's duties and liabilities in the period...
Proposals for Reform of Sovereign Debt Restructuring: The Statutory Approach - Max Planck Lecture Series on Sovereign Debt
Lecturer: Mr. Lee C. Buchheit (Cleary Gottlieb)
Proposals for Reform of Sovereign Debt Restructuring: The Contractual Approach - Max Planck Lecture Series on Sovereign Debt
Lecturer: Philip Wood CBE (Allen & Overy)
Discussant: Prof. Christoph G. Paulus (Humboldt University of Berlin)
25 November 2016
“DEBACLES – Illusions and Failures in the History of International Adjudication”
Encouraged by the post-Cold War rise of international adjudication, most international lawyers — with some notable recent exceptions — have focused their attention on judicial 'success stories.' They have thereby revitalized a liberal-modernist narrative that views the constant expansion and improvement of international adjudication as...
EU Commission Study on the Impact of National Civil Procedure – Meeting of the Consortium and Advisory Board
On the 18ᵗʰ of November, the Max Planck Institute will host a meeting of the Advisory Board, and Consortium working on the EU Commission Study on the impact of national civil procedure (JUST/2014/RCON/PR/CIVI/0082). This Study focuses on the influence of national civil procedure on the free circulation of judgments and the application of EU...
Investment Arbitration as a means of Resolving Sovereign Debt Dispute - Max Planck Lecture Series on Sovereign Debt
Lecturer: Dr. Michael Waibel (Cambridge University)
Discussant: Prof. Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal (Queen Mary University of London)