Past Events
16:00 / 13 January 2016
Max Planck Lecture Series
Where are the best law professors teaching?
Speaker: Professor Marco Ventoruzzo
14:30 / 7 January 2016
Training Seminars
Training seminar on Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Speaker: Mrs. Tamar Meshel (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
17 December 2015
18 December 2015
18 December 2015
Annual Doctoral Seminar of the International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution (IMPRS-SDR)
Annual Doctoral Seminar of the International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution
16:00 / 16 December 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
“International Judicial Dissent: Causes and Consequences”
Speakers: Prof. Mark A. Pollack, Prof. Jeffrey Dunoff (Temple University, Philadelphia)
10:00 / 15 December 2015
Training Seminar on Qualitative Methodologies “In-depths interviews”
Speaker: Professor Mark A. Pollack
09:00 / 11 December 2015
In-house Events
The Making of Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights
In-House Workshop
15:30 / 3 December 2015
09:30 / 4 December 2015
09:30 / 4 December 2015
TTIP – Framing the Adequate System for Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Event in the program of Luxembourg’s EU Council presidency where senior government and EU representatives will discuss challenges of the TTIP. Experts of international investment arbitration will address the EU Commission proposal to establish a permanent court on the protection of investments.