Past Events
Masterclass by Prof. Joseph Weiler (NYU)
Law graduates emerge from their legal studies, even at Masters’ level, with a remarkably shallow methodological sophistication. There is very little reflection, analysis and discussion of objects and purposes of the legal doctorate. There are different practices of supervision in different faculties and different legal cultures. The...
14 June 2022
Pescatore and the Law of Integration: Dogma and Critique in the European Union
This conference, organised by the MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law and the University of Luxembourg, will seek to promote engagement with Pesctore's work, in particular with his construction of the Law of Integration. Pierre Pescatore was central to the elaboration of the doctrine at the service of a ‘constitutional vision of the legal order born...
6 May 2022
Droit international et Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
The conference ‘International Law and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg’ will bring together experts in the field of international and Luxemburgish law to examine the impacts of international law on the grand Duchy’s legal system and the impact of Luxembourg as an international law maker. The conference will begin with an introduction into the topic...
22 April 2022
Capacity-Building Training ITLOS/NIPPON Foundation
Based upon the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) on 7 November 2019, the Institute looks forward to welcoming participants for the 'ITLOS-Nippon Foundation Capacity-Building and Training Programme on Dispute Settlement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea'. This...
Strategic Litigation — A New Phenomenon in Civil Litigation?
Since the Millennium, public interest litigation has become a growing phenomenon in civil courts. Activists and NGOs are bringing civil lawsuits in order to promote societal and political change. Typical examples are (business and) human rights claims, environmental claims, climate change litigation but also cartel damage claims. However, targeted...
9th Webinar - CPLJ (Comparative Procedural Law and Justice)
Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (CPLJ) is a global project of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law with the support of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (O19/13946847), where more than one hundred scholars from all over the world are involved.
Forum on Procedural Law of the CJEU 2022
The Forum of the CJEU Procedural Law is twofold. First, it intends to tackle cutting-edge procedural issues which arise in the Court's proceedings and case-law. Second, it aims at providing an update on procedural issues. It takes its name from the intention to have an open dialog among specialists of EU Law and Procedural Law and to foster...