Past Events
28 March 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series
"Regulatory Attributes of Class, Mass and Collective Arbitration in National and International Law"
Max Planck Lecture Series: Professor S. I. Strong (University of Missouri/USA)
27 March 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series
"The Filtering Section of the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights and its work in the context of the pilot judgment procedure”
Max Planck Lecture Series: H. Bakirci and P. Pushkar (both from the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)
25 March 2013
“Collective Actions and Investors’ Protection: European Developments and Perspectives”
12 March 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series
“Regulatory Approaches to Dispute Resolution”
Max Planck Lecture Series: Professor Christopher Hodges (University of Oxford, UK)
5 March 2013
"Recovery of Maintenance in the European Union and Worldwide"
5th to 8th - International Conference (taking place in Heidelberg)
11 February 2013
“Uniformity versus Diversification in Global Financial Regulation”
Conference (taking place in New York)
8 February 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series
"ADR in Construction Contracts"
Workshop with Prof. G. Iudica (Bocconi University)