Past Events
EFFORTS – International Exchange Seminar
The International Exchange Seminar is organised by the MPI Luxembourg as part of EFFORTS (“Towards more EFfective enFORcemenT of claimS in civil and commercial matters within the EU”), a two-year project funded by the Civil Justice Programme of the European Commission (JUST-JCOO-AG-2019-881802) and carried out by an international Consortium...
11 February 2022
Women and International Law
This event, which builds upon the Talk held by Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri on the same subject in April 2021, will bring together contributors to the upcoming handbook Women and International Law co-edited by Prof. Ruiz Fabri, Prof. Grossman (University of Baltimore), Professor Ramji-Nogales (Temple University), and Prof. Dawuni (Howard University)....
International Max Planck Research School on Successful Dispute Resolution – Annual seminar
On 16 December 2021, the MPI Luxembourg will host International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution (IMPRS-SDR) participants for the IMPRS-SDR Annual Seminar. The Seminar will bring together IMPRS students and professors for a presentation of the work carried out by the IMPRS-SDR Fellows. This will entail the presentation...
Inaugural Lecture of the Peking University Global Faculty Initiative
Prof. Burkhard Hess has been nominated to become a member of the Peking University Global Faculty Initiative. An inaugural lecture will take place on Wednesday 8 December 2021 from 9:00 to 11:00 (CET). The title of his lecture is: The Future of Dispute Resolution: the Role of Comparative Law. CPLJ as an Example of Contemporary Research and...
Law Beyond the State in the 2020s Methodological and Conceptual Problems
More information will follow soon