Past Events
16:30 / 3 February 2016
Max Planck Lecture Series
Pleading before the ICJ
Speaker: Prof. Alain Pellet
11:00 / 19 January 2016
Max Planck Lecture Series
Conflicts over Extraterritoriality: U.S. Government Search Warrants for Content of Emails Stored in Other Nations - The Microsoft Case
Speaker: Peter D. Trooboff
16:00 / 13 January 2016
Max Planck Lecture Series
Where are the best law professors teaching?
Speaker: Professor Marco Ventoruzzo
16:00 / 16 December 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
“International Judicial Dissent: Causes and Consequences”
Speakers: Prof. Mark A. Pollack, Prof. Jeffrey Dunoff (Temple University, Philadelphia)
16:00 / 18 November 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
"The ICJ as a Court of Cassation: Recent Developments“
Speaker: Prof. Pasquale De Sena (Catholic University of Milan)
16:00 / 23 September 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
International Procedural Law: Between Private International Law and Procedural Law
Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, University of Hamburg
15:00 / 24 June 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
Foreign Governments as Plaintiffs in U.S. Courts
Professor Hannah Buxbaum, John E. Schiller Chair in Legal Ethics, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University Bloomington