Past Events
16:00 / 10 June 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
International Arbitration: Where do we come from? Where do we go?
Professor em. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel (University of Cologne), Arbitrator
16:00 / 20 May 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
New Procedural Challenges in WTO Disputes: Preliminary Rulings, the Use of Experts and the Independence of Adjudicators
Professor Gabrielle Marceau (University of Geneva), Counsellor, Legal Division, WTO
16:00 / 29 April 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
Building new identities: a different view on frontier research in law
Professor Armin von Bogdandy (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)
16:00 / 1 April 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
The state of investor-State arbitration: Is fear triumphing over experience?
Judge Charles N. Brower, Arbitrator (20 Essex Street, London; Iran-United States Claims Tribunal)
16:00 / 18 March 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
The EU Commission's approach to investment protection and ISDS as part of the common commercial policy – recent developments
André von Walter (European Commission), Directorate General for Trade
16:00 / 11 February 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
The experience of an international adjudicator: The WTO Appellate Body and ICSID arbitration compared
Professor Giorgio Sacerdoti (Bocconi University, Milan; former Member and President, WTO Appellate Body)
10:30 / 3 February 2015
Max Planck Lecture Series
Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction
Professor Ki Gab Park (Korea University, Seoul), Member, International Law Commission