Past Events
12:30 / 10 October 2014
15. Interuniversitäre Tagung Sportrecht
Seminar on Sports Law (in German).
30 September 2014
The Protection of Privacy in the Aftermath of the Recent Judgments of the CJEU - eDate Advertising, Digital Rights Ireland and Google Spain
Conference on the impact of the CJEU’s judgments on the protection of privacy. The following day, the Institute will host the first meeting of the ILA Committee on the Protection of Privacy in Private International and Procedural Law (this latter event is by invitation only).
12 September 2014
The Rule of Law and Its Application to the United Nations
Conference on the meaning and the consequences of the rule of law for the UN and its specialized agencies concerning their own actions and activities
Symposium in honour of Professor Giuseppe Tarzia
On 9 May 2014, the personal library of Professor Giuseppe Tarzia will be inaugurated as an extention of the Institute’s library
11 March 2014
Arbitration and EU Law: Open Issues and Enduring Challenges
Conference organized by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg and the Academy of European Law (ERA), which will take place in Trier (Germany) on 10 - 11 March 2014.
Les 20 ans de la Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
Conference organized by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg and the Paris Descartes University.
Civil Justice in the EU – Growing and Teething? Questions regarding implementation, practice and the outlook for future policy
Conference organized by the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of Uppsala University and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, to be held in Uppsala (Sweden) on 17-18 October 2013.