Past Events
10 February 2020
International Courts and Tribunals and New Technologies
(closed event)
31 January 2020
1 February 2020
1 February 2020
ILA Committee on the Rules of Procedure of International Courts and Tribunals
(closed event)
22 January 2020
Max Planck Lecture Series
Working methods of the European Parliament Administration in multi-actors World. A case study.
Lecturer: Prof. Giancarlo Vilella (Director General for Innovation and Technological Support at the European Parliament)
17 January 2020
Blockchain and Procedural Law: Law and Justice in the Age of Disintermediation
Blockchain Technologies at the Domestic and the International Levels
9 January 2020
IMPRS-SDR Annual Seminar
The International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution (IMPRS-SDR) internship program seminar
13 December 2019
Private and Public Enforcement of Consumer Law
External Event.
In cooperation with the Ministère de la Protection des consommateurs.
6 December 2019
Blockchain and Procedural Law: Law and Justice in the Age of Disintermediation