Past Events
Rebuilding the Ukrainian Justice System – Post War Perspectives
Closed Event
CPLJ Segment 8 Online Workshop - Evidence: a comparative approach
Closed Event
25 November 2022
CPLJ Workshop - Special Subject Matters: When Substance Drives Procedure
closed event
11 February 2022
Women and International Law
This event, which builds upon the Talk held by Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri on the same subject in April 2021, will bring together contributors to the upcoming handbook Women and International Law co-edited by Prof. Ruiz Fabri, Prof. Grossman (University of Baltimore), Professor Ramji-Nogales (Temple University), and Prof. Dawuni (Howard University)....
Law Beyond the State in the 2020s Methodological and Conceptual Problems
More information will follow soon
26 November 2021
Representing the Absent - 2nd Workshop
In the first hybrid event to be held at the Institute since March 2020, and following on from the workshop held in December 2020, the second workshop on representing the absent will investigate further the commonalities and differences between the representation of past and future generations from an interdisciplinary perspective and with a...
19 November 2021
International Investment Law and Climate Change
This workshop will bring together selected authors of the forthcoming special edition of the Journal of World Investment & Trade (JWIT) examining the effect of climate change on international investment law. It will focus on topics including how climate change affects incentive and stability structures for green investment, states’ protection of...