The state of investor-State arbitration: Is fear triumphing over experience?

Max Planck Lecture Series
16:00 /  1 April 2015

Judge Charles N. Brower, Arbitrator (20 Essex Street, London; Iran-United States Claims Tribunal)

CHARLES N. BROWER has been a Judge of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal for 30 years, has served as Judge ad hoc of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and currently serves also as Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice. He is also a member of 20 Essex Street Chambers in London. He has served as Acting Legal Adviser to the United States Department of State and as Deputy Special Counsellor to the President of the United States. Judge Brower in 2009 was awarded the American Society of International Law’s Manley O. Hudson Medal for “pre-eminent scholarship and achievement in international law . . . without regard to nationality”; in 2010 received the Stefan A. Riesenfeld Award of the University of California Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) in recognition of “outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of international law”; in 2013 received the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law’s Lifetime Achievement Award; and in 2013 received the Pat Murphy Award of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration of the Center for American and International Law “For Exceptional Civic Contributions and Extraordinary Professional Achievements in International Arbitration.” In October 2014 he became the first inductee into the Legal Media Group Euromoney “Hall of Fame” for “significant contributions to commercial arbitration during his career.” In February 2015 he was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from Global Arbitration Review at its awards ceremony held in Washington, DC.

Max Planck Institute Luxemburg
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4, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg

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