Training Seminar on the legitimacy of Constitutional Courts
Speaker: Professor Pasquale Pasquino (New York University)
Professor Pasquale Pasquino
New York University, New York
Pasquale Pasquino (Naples, 1948) is Senior Research Fellow at the CNRS - EHESS and Global Distinguished Professor in Politics and Law at NYU.
He has been working in the past in different research institutions included the Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen, and the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg.
He is the author of numerous publications on the constitutional theory and history of European countries, notably in England in the 17th century, in France during the Revolution and in Germany during the Weimar Republic.
His current research focuses on the role of Constitutional Courts in democratic societies, and more particularly on the internal collegial mechanisms for decision-making of these apex courts.
Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
Conference room, 4th floor
4, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg
Contact person:
Martina Winkel; (+352) 26 94 88 923;