First Max Planck Law Conference for Young European Scholars
14 - 15 July 2022
The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law in cooperation with the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V. will host the first Max Planck Law Conference for Young European Scholars on “Methodological Pluralism in European Law”. The conference wants to bring together young scholars and create a forum for “new voices” of European legal research. It attempts to delve more deeply into the question of methodologies of contemporary European law research and map the multiplicity of approaches that are applied (or possibly may be applied) in this domain. A special focus will lie on current crises and challenges of European law methodology.
The conference is primarily addressed to Postdocs and PhD Candidates who work on European law topics, as well as the late-stage students who want to pursue a PhD in European law. The call was open to all such researchers interested in European law research and (legal) methodology, including (but not limited to) affiliates of Max Planck Institute. The original Call for Papers can be found here.
Venue: The event is taking place at the premises of the MPI Luxembourg. Digital participation is possible. Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Language: The conference will be held in English.
Registration is now closed.
Thursday, 14 July 2022
10:00 Registration
10:30 Greeting
Burkhard Hess (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
10:45 Opening Remarks
Lena Hornkohl (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
Mateusz Grochowski (MPI for Comparative and International Private Law)
11:00 Opening keynote speech
Erosion of Democracies and the ECHR: The coping mechanisms of the Straßbourg Court to preserve the European Order of Human Rights against Modern-day challenges
Keynote speaker: Armen Harutyunyan (European Court of Human Rights)
Moderator: Arman Melikyan (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
12:00 Uses and Misuses of Interdisciplinary Research Methodology in European Comparative Law
Speaker: Sara Notario (University of Geneva)
Moderator: Lea Berger (MPI for Comparative Public Law and International Law)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Finding the Place of Doctrine in Legal History
Speaker: Alec Thompson (University of Cambridge)
Moderator: Mateusz Grochowski (MPI for Comparative and International Law)
14:30 To lose an oath, to win a paradise? Methodological pluralism through the lens of EU penal policy
Speakers: Denise Di Nica (Leiden University) and Christos Papachristopoulos (Birmingham Law School)
Moderator: Nina Cozzi (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory)
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Ecological Damage and Liability in the EU: a Law and Economics Perspective on Remedies
Speaker: Francesca Leucci (Università di Bologna, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Hamburg Universität (EDLE))
Moderator: Lena Hornkohl (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
16:30 Regulating Uncertainty – On the Regulation of Human Behaviour and its Effects on the EU’s Financial Markets
Speaker: Sebastian Jules Kasper (Universität Passau, Trinity College Dublin)
Moderator: Jacek Dybinski (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
17:15 Cocktail Reception
Friday, 15 July 2022
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 The need for normative accounts of EU social justice: A capabilitarian analysis of free movement law
Speaker: Maren Elisabeth Schöyen (European University Institute)
Moderator: Sigfrido Ramirez Perez (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory)
11:45 The rhetorical analysis of law: Proportionality discourse and socioeconomic human rights in European elite Courts
Speaker: Juan J. Garcia Blesa (Fern Universität Hagen)
Moderator: Victoria Hooton (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Ineffective legal assistance and the development of (an) inadequate benchmark(s): why a more comprehensive, and consistent, comparative methodology should be deployed by the ECtHR
Speaker: Ashlee Beazley (KU Leuven)
Moderator: Olivier Baillet (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
14:30 Adding to the Toolbox: The Legitimacy and Implications of Court-published ‘Factsheets‘ as a Source of Information