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Prof. Pierre-Henri Conac appointed as Acting Head of both Research Departments

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Pierre-Henri Conac, Max Planck Fellow and Professor of Financial Markets Law at the University of Luxembourg, as Acting Head of the two research Departments. The Department of International Law and Dispute Resolution is dedicated to advancing international dispute resolution mechanisms, while the Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law explores civil law dispute resolution, focusing on cross-bor...

Neues interdisziplinäres Zentrum an der Universität Luxemburg: Max-Planck-Institut für Internationales, Europäisches und Regulatorisches Verfahrensrecht wird zum 1. Januar 2024 in die Universität Luxemburg überführt

Das in Luxemburg-Kirchberg ansässige Max-Planck-Institut für Internationales, Europäisches und Regulatorisches Verfahrensrecht wird zum 1. Januar 2024 in die Universität Luxemburg überführt. Das kündigten der Minister für Hochschulwesen und Forschung, Claude Meisch, und der Rektor der Universität Luxemburg, Jens Kreisel, am 21. September 2023 anlässlich einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz an. Ziel dieser Integration, die auf einer Einigung zwischen der Luxemburger Regierung und der Max-Planck-Gese...

The course is set

A year ago, in August 2022, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg informed the Max Planck Society of its intention to transfer the Max Planck Institute for International, European, and Regulatory Procedural Law to the University of Luxembourg. This Institute, which is fully funded by the Grand Duchy, will be transferred as part of the Luxembourg Strategy for Research and Innovation. This strategy, reformulated in 2019, aims to consolidate research efforts within the Grand Duchy. While all parties initia...

Conference report ‘Rethinking WTO Dispute Settlement’ now available

Between 24-26 May 2023, over forty experts on the World Trade Organization (WTO) gathered for a conference co-organised by the MPI Luxembourg to discuss the current state and future reform of WTO dispute settlement. The convened experts were academics, practitioners, diplomates as well as former trade negotiators, panellists, Appellate Body members and WTO officials. They came from all parts of the globe and with varying disciplinary and professional perspectives.
The report summarizing their ...

PhD defence Giovanni Chiapponi

Research Fellow Giovanni Chiapponi awarded with Doctoral degree from the University of Luxembourg
On 07 July 2023, Giovanni Chiapponi defended his PhD thesis ”Interfaces between National and Eu Law: Time Limits in Cross-Border Civil Proceedings and their Impact on the Free Circulation of Judgments” conducted under the supervision of Professor Burkhard Hess.
The thesis aims at exploring possible legal solutions to remove the obstacles to the free circulation of judgments in the civi...