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Contribution of Prof. Pierre-Henri Conac in the research handbook "Shareholders´inspection rights"

Read the valuable contribution of Prof. Pierre-Henri Conac (Max Planck Fellow at the MPI Luxembourg and Professor at the University of Luxembourg) in the research handbook on Shareholders' Inspection Rights!

Shareholder inspection rights serve as a vital means of safeguarding shareholders' interests, providing them with exclusive access to confidential company books and records that are not accessible to the general public.
Despite some discussions in jurisdictions like Delaware (USA), the ...

Research Fellow Carlos Bichet Nicoletti awarded with Doctoral degree from the Notre Dame Law School (University of Notre Dame, Indiana)

On 31 May, Carlos Bichet Nicoletti successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled ‘Great Expectations: The Limits and Possibilities of Restorative Justice in International Criminal Law’.
Restorative justice has been mentioned in the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) annual reports, in statements made by its President, and is even implied in its caselaw. Conducted under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Carozza (University of Notre Dame, Indiana) Carlos’thesis seeks to answer the ques...

Extended Deadline for the Survey on Proposals for a Reform for the Brussels Ibis Regulation – until 15 April 2023

Currently, a survey with proposals for a reform of the Brussels Ibis Regulation is conducted. Do not miss to participate in the survey. The survey contains 32 proposals reaching from the notion of courts and judgments, the arbitration exception, parallel proceedings, heads of jurisdiction up to adaptation according to Article 54 Brussels Ibis.
The survey contains the text of the Working Paper (but without footnotes) to give some background and context for the proposals. Going through the survey...

PhD defence Carlos Santaló Goris

Research Fellow Carlos Santaló Goris awarded with Doctoral degree from the University of Luxembourg
On 10 March 2023, Carlos Santaló Goris successfully defended his PhD thesis ”The Application of the European Account Preservation Order in Germany, Luxembourg and Spain: a Comparative-Empirical Analysis” conducted under the supervision of Professor Burkhard Hess.
Summary: Regulation (EU) 655/2014, establishing a European Account Preservation Order (‘EAPO Regulation’), introduced the very cross-...

Former Research Fellow Receives Prestigious Prize for PhD thesis

On 5 December 2022, former Research Fellow Janek T. Nowak was awarded at an official ceremony the prestigious Fernand Collin Law Prize for his doctoral thesis on “Ex officio application of EU law by Belgian civil courts” (original title: “Ambtshalve toepassing van EU-recht door de Belgische burgerlijke rechter”), which he prepared in the Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, led by Prof. Burkhard Hess, and defended at KU Leuven on 19 Februa...