Perspectives of International Law

6 - 7 July 2023

In Person Event

The event will take place at the premises of the MPI Luxembourg.

The registration is closed.

Organisation Committee:

• Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri, MPI Luxembourg

• Dr Olivier Baillet, MPI Luxembourg

• Prof. Edoardo Stoppioni, University of Strasbourg


Thursday, 6 July 2023



10:00 - 12:30

Round table: The Procedural Construction of International Human Rights

This preliminary round table will set the scene, exploring the fundamental historical and theoretical debates surrounding the relation between human rights and the procedure(s) meant to enforce their protection.

Chair: Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri (MPI Luxembourg)

• Human Rights Law as a History of Proceduralisation - Dr Olivier Baillet (MPI Luxembourg)

• The Three Regional Approaches to Human Rights Judicialisation - Prof. Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen (University of Paris 1)

• Subsidiarity, the Rule of Law Crisis and the ECtHR Procedural Control - Prof. Peggy Ducoulombier (University of Strasbourg)


12:30 - 13:30 Lunch



13:30 - 15:30

The Impact of Human Rights on the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of Adjudicative Bodies

Specialised panels will investigate the case-law of the main international adjudicative bodies specialising in human rights protection, specifically in relation to procedural issues. The first topic will deal with their particular use of procedure, how their human rights protection mandate influences their reading of preliminary issues or the conduction of proceedings.

Chair: Prof. Peggy Ducoulombier (University of Strasbourg)

• African System - Justice Professor Rafâa Ben Achour (AfCHPR)

• Inter-American System - Bruno Biazatti (MPI Luxembourg)

• ECtHR - Ezgi Özlü (MPI Luxembourg)


15:30 - 16:00 Break



16:00 - 18:00

The Impact of Human Rights on Reparation and Implementation

A second specialised panel will investigate how the human rights protection mandate of international adjudicative bodies influences their reading of the final stage of the proceedings: reparation and implementation.

Chair: Prof. Edoardo Stoppioni (University of Strasbourg)

• UN Committees - Andreas Ullmann (University of Potsdam)

• Inter-American System -Dr Carlos Bichet Nicoletti (MPI Luxembourg)

• ECtHR - Ass. Prof. Lize Glas (Radboud University)



Friday, 7 July 2023



08:30 - 10:30

Evolutions and Transformations of Procedural Rights

A third specialised panel will start investigating the adjudicative bodies’ practice relating to substantive matters. The first substantive issue relating to procedure is of course the administration of procedural rights: how do human rights courts understand the right to a fair trial and associated guarantees (right to liberty and security, legality of crimes, non bis in idem, etc.)? How did they develop their own understanding of the substantive guarantees relating to procedure? The procedural prism will help deconstructing the evolution of this important part of the case-law.

Chair: Dr Olivier Baillet (MPI Luxembourg)

• UN Committees - Prof. Sarah Joseph (Griffith University)

• African System - Ass. Prof. Misha Plagis (Leiden University)

• Inter-American System - Prof. Jorge Contesse (Rutgers University)

• ECtHR - Prof. Paul Lemmens (KU Leuven)


10:30 - 11:00 Break



11:00 - 13:00

The Proceduralisation of Substantive Rights

The last specialised panel will be devoted to the proceduralisation of different substantive matters. How do human rights courts use the idea of procedure to transform and change the forms of substantive rights? How did positive obligations transform the boundaries between substance and procedure? How did the intensity of the control of these courts take into account the procedural dimensions, related to subsidiarity?

Chair: Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri (MPI Luxembourg)

• UN Committees - Prof. Ludovic Hennebel (Aix-Marseille University)

• African System - Dr Ezéchiel Amani Cirimwami (MPI Luxembourg)

• Inter-American System - Prof. Lucas Carlos Lima (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

• ECtHR - Prof. Thomas Kleinlein (Jena University)


13:00 - 14:00 Lunch



14:00 - 16:00

Round Table: Procedure & Substance: Synergies or Contradictions?

A last theoretical roundtable will try to take a higher standpoint and sum up the teachings of the comparative experiences to explore different paths to theorise the relations between substance and procedure.

Chair: Judge Dean Spielmann (CJEU)

• Procedural Theories of Justice and Human Rights - Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri (MPI Luxembourg)

• The Dual Faces of Procedure for Human Rights: a Queer Theory Approach - Prof. Edoardo Stoppioni (University of Strasbourg)


Conclusion - Prof. Helen Keller (University of Zurich)