Max Planck Lecture Series
on Sovereign Debt

Thursday, 3 November 2016, 16:00

“Implications of Recent Sovereign Debt Litigation: Lessons from Argentina and Greece”

The sovereign debt experiences of Argentina and Greece show the intricacies of the restructuring process. Although both countries had to face similar problems (restructuring an unpayable debt and improving competitiveness to enable growth and job creation), each one had to face peculiar legal issues (for example pari passu clauses and remedies) that show the limitations of the existing restructuring processes. This lecture aims at drawing lessons from the recent sovereign debt litigation involving Argentina and Greece.

Prof. Mathias Audit (University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Prof. Mathias Audit

Mathias Audit is a Law professor at the Sorbonne School of Law (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). He specializes in International Commercial Law, Private International Law, International Arbitration and Investment Law.

He is the author of numerous books and publications in International Law matters. Eg:

  • Transnationalization of Public Contrats, ed. with S. W. Schill, Larcier, 2016.
  • Droit du commerce international et des investissements étrangers, with S. Bollée et P. Callé, LGDJ-Lextenso éd., 2014.
  • Insolvabilité des États et dettes souveraines, LGDJ, collection droit des affaires, 2011.

Regarding sovereign debts and state insolvency, he launched in 2013 a research project aiming at conceiving the legal engineering necessary for State insolvency proceedings:

Prof. Regis Bismuth (Sciences Po Law School Paris)

Régis Bismuth is Professor of Public Law at Sciences Po Law School. His main research and teaching interests lie within international economic law, financial regulation and international litigation. He is the author of several books and/or articles on financial regulation, sovereign wealth funds, sovereign debt, WTO law, international investment law, international standards and economic sanctions.

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Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
Conference room, 4th floor
4, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg

Contact person:
Sabrina Logrillo; (+352) 269488 926;