Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Framing the Adequate System for Investor-State Dispute Settlement

Luxembourg, 3 & 4 December 2015

Nearly 150 people attended the two-day conference dedicated to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

The MPI Luxembourg was honoured to host its first annual joined conference of the two Research Departments in the framework of the Luxembourgish EU presidency discussing the TTIP.

Following a welcome note by the two MPI Directors, the Luxembourgish Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, M. Marc Hansen, addressed the guests and panellists with a speech underlining the Institute's role in Luxembourg.

During the two-day conference stakeholders, academics and experts from the field of international investment arbitration discussed and shared insights during four panels preceded and succeeded by round table discussions.

Round table: 'Expectations and Challenges of the TTIP' with Ms. Viviane Reding (European Parliament), Ms. Blanche Weber (Mouvement écologique), Mr. Colin Brown (European Commission), Mr. Marc Hübsch (Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Directorate for International Economic Relations and European Affairs) and Mr. François Aulner (radio 100.7 Luxembourg)
Concluding remarks: 'TTIP - A Strategic Alliance for Growth and Employment' by Mr. Daniel Sahr (Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce)

Panel 1: 'Increasing the Legitimacy of ISDS' with Prof. Matthew Happold (Chair), Jeremy Sharpe (Speaker) and Prof. Stephan Schill (Commentator)

Panel 2: ‘Controlling the Arbitration Process’ (remedies, binding declarations of states) with Prof. Matthew Happold (Chair), Prof. Christoph Schreuer (Speaker) and Prof. Alain Pellet (Commentator)

Panel 3: ‘BITs and Applicable International Law in ISDS’ with Prof. Rainer Hoffman (Chair), Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (Speaker) and Prof. Giorgio Sacerdoti (Commentator)

Panel 4: ‘Differences and Similarities between Investment and Commercial Arbitration’ (different role of the awards, precedent-building) with Prof. Rainer Hoffman (Chair), Prof. Diego Fernández Arroyo (Speaker) and Prof. Patrick Thieffry (Commentator)

Round table: ‘The Court of Justice, Union Law and ISDS’ (preliminary references, state aid, exclusive competences) with Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri (Chair), Prof. Jan Kuijper, Prof. Eleftheria Neframi, Prof. Rainer Hofmann, Prof. Robert Howse and John Beechey.
Closing remarks: Prof. Burkhard Hess

Given the current controversy on the draft TTIP and the raised public interest in investment arbitration, the MPI Luxembourg set out to provide a forum for debate on the highest level.

Fully aware of its role and responsibility in research and its will to enrich the public debate, the MPI Luxembourg seeks to foster common knowledge about international procedural law.

The MPI Luxembourg thanks all speakers and the distinguished guests for their attendance and hopes to further uphold the academic standard set by this event.

Click here to see the conference programme, the speakers' biographies and the photo gallery.

Please find the recordings of the two-day conference on our Youtube channel.