TTIP – Framing the Adequate System for Investor-State Dispute Settlement

15:30 / 3 December 2015
09:30 / 4 December 2015

Event in the program of Luxembourg’s EU Council presidency where senior government and EU representatives will discuss challenges of the TTIP. Experts of international investment arbitration will address the EU Commission proposal to establish a permanent court on the protection of investments.

Luxembourg’s presidency of the Council of the European Union offers the opportunity to host a two-day event under the title “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – Framing the Adequate System for Investor-State Dispute Settlement.” On this occasion, senior representatives of the ministries in Luxembourg and of EU institutions will discuss the expectations and challenges of the TTIP. In the second part of the conference, leading experts in international arbitration will discuss the current state of affairs and the most pertinent problems of the investor-state dispute settlement, especially the latest proposals of the EU-Commission on the establishment of a permanent court on investment dispute settlement as well as the prospects of a future dispute resolution mechanism.

To see the programme of the event, please click here.

To see the documentation of the event, please click here.