Max Planck Lecture Series
Thursday, 23 November 2017, 16:00
“The ECtHR and State Responsibility: Moving towards more international law?”
Judge Iulia Motoc
(European Court of Human Rights; Professor of European and International Law, University of Bucharest)
Iulia Motoc is Judge at the European Court of Human Rights since December 2013 and Professor of European and International law at the University of Bucharest. Previously she served as Judge at the Constitutional Court of Romania (2010-2013).
Motoc graduated the School of Law of the University of Bucharest with LLB (1989) and the School of Law « Paul Cézannne », Aix-Marseille III with LLM (1991) and SJD in international law (1996) summa cum laude. Motoc has a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Bucharest (1999). She has taught and researched at the Institut for Human Rights, Vienna( 1999), University of New York (2002-2004), Yale School of Law (2003-2007), European Institute of Florence (1997), University Paris I, Sorbonne (2013), University of Strasbourg (2015), EUIC Venice.
Iulia Motoc was a member (2000-2007) and President (2000-2001) of the UN Human Rights Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. She was UN Special Rapporteur for Democratic Republic of Congo, reporting crimes against humanity and war crimes (2001-2004).
Iulia Motoc was UN Rapporteur of Human Rights and Genetics (2003-2007) and President of the UN Human Rights of the Administration of Justice; she was co-drafting the UN Report of free, prior and informed consent of indigenous people and UN Guidelines of Extreme Poverty. Iulia Motoc was a member of the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights (2010-2012) and Member of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention on Promotion and Protection on Minorities (1998-2004 and 2008-2012).
Iulia Motoc has authored and edited several books, studies and articles such as “The Impact of the ECHR in democratization in Central and Eastern Europe”, Cambridge, CUP (2016), “The Internationalist Doctrines During the Years of Real Communism in Europe”, Paris, SLC (2012), “About democracy in enlarged Europe”, Bucharest, Humanitas (2012), “Women rights as human rights: from universal to regional”, Bucharest, 2009, “Plaidoyer pour les droits de l’homme”, Bucharest, 2008, “Conceptions of pluralism and international law” in E. Jouannet, H.R. Fabri, V. Tomkiewitz, “A quoi ça sert le droit international”, Proceedings of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) Hart, Oxford, 2008.
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