MPI Luxembourg


Harmonization of Civil Procedure in the EU:

How Far Can We Go?

Thursday, 19 July 2018 

On Thursday 19 July, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg will host a seminar about the harmonization of civil procedure in the European Union, more specifically about the status quo of harmonization as well as its prospects.During the seminar, academics will present, and discuss, the achievements and gaps in the process of harmonization up to now on both a regulatory and judicial level. Further, they will focus on the proposals for future harmonization from a methodological and constitutional point of view. Finally, the seminar will display current projects and proposals for harmonization.The seminar is carried out by the MPI Luxembourg, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and the University Complutense Madrid.

Final programme

I. Setting the scene: The Acquis [Morning session]

09:15 Achievements of the EU Regulations on Judicial Cooperation: have they fostered harmonization?
From EU rules and CJEU case law to national practice

Speaker: Prof. Fernando Gascón (Madrid)
Discussant: Prof. Elisabetta Silvestri (Pavia)

10:00 Is the European Account Preservation Order a harmonized regulation of protective measures?
From EU rules and CJEU case law to national practice

Speaker: Prof. Katharina Hilbig-Lugani (Düsseldorf)
Discussant: Prof. María Luisa Villamarín (UCM)

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Procedural harmonization outside EU Regulations on Judicial Cooperation (“Vertical” harmonization

Prof. Enrique Vallines (Madrid) (i) Access to Evidence (IP directive / cartel damages directive)
Dr. Patricia Llopis (Valencia) (ii) Protection of Confidential Information (trade secrets directive)
Dr. Arantxa Gandía Sellens (MPI) (iii) The Rules of the Unified Patent Court
Prof. Marta Requejo (MPI) (iv) Enforcement of data protection

12:15 Procedural harmonization by the European Court of Justice: procedural autonomy v. equivalence and effectiveness

Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Law (MPI)
Discussant: Mr. Janek Nowak (MPI)

13:00 Lunch

II. Looking forward: Current proposals for further harmonization [Afternoon session]

14:30 Methodological approaches to harmonization: Model laws? Minimum standards? Directives? Recommendations?

Speaker: Prof. Stefan Huber (Tübingen)
Discussant: Prof. Rui Dias (Coimbra)

15:15 The Constitutionalisation of European Civil Procedure as a starting point for harmonization

Speaker: Mr. Dominik Düsterhaus (ECJ)
Discussant: Prof. Burkhard Hess (MPI)

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 The ELI-UNIDROIT Project: a general presentation

Prof. Elisabetta Silvestri (Pavia)
Prof. Christoph A. Kern (Heidelberg)
Prof. Michael Stürner (Konstanz)

17:15 The 2017 Proposal of the Parliament: much ado about nothing?

Speaker: Prof. Fernando Gascón (Madrid)
Discussant: Mr. Vincent Richard (MPI)

18:00 Concluding Remarks: Do we need harmonization?

Speaker: Prof. Burkhard Hess (MPI)

[Closed Event]