Blockchain and Procedural Law: Law and Justice in the Age of Disintermediation
Automating Legal Instruments
Friday, 6 December 2019
As blockchain brings technological solutions to issues traditionally resolved by legal principles and practices, two particular innovations based on this technology prevent the need for third-party dispute resolution, court processes, and regular corporate charters: smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). The diffusion of self-enforcing contracts undoubtedly offers clear advantages, such as strengthening party autonomy and minimizing non-compliance risks, but also presents some potential drawbacks, which have not been analyzed comprehensively so far. The automatic enforcement of contracts through software script may, for instance, be detrimental to weaker parties who could suffer the adverse effects of frictionless execution without being able to rely on the guarantees that state-mediated mechanisms of enforcement traditionally provide. Such enhancements on the automation of contracts and laws has also built a new industry of providers of compliance tools, named regulatory technologies, which requires close observation by supervisory authorities.
The second seminar of the event aims at (i) analyzing the impact of blockchain technologies and smart contracts on state authority by combining theoretical insights with practical use-cases (ii) and debating blockchain’s potential for new corporate structures and compliance through its trustless and irreversible architecture, and the role of states in such experiments.
2nd Seminar: Automating Legal Instruments
14:00 Opening
Mr Pedro Batista (University of Hamburg) and Mr Alain Zamaria (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
14:10 Smart Contracts and Dispute Resolution
Prof. André Janssen (Radboud University)
Forecasting the Impact of Smart Contracting on Dispute Resolution
Prof. Bruno Deffains (University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas) and Dr Federico Ast (Kleros)
When ODR meets game theory and blockchain: the birth of decentralized justice
Ms Jenni Hakkarainen (University of Helsinki)
Who needs dispute resolution? Conflict prevention in blockchain networks
Mr Steve Jacoby (Clifford Chance / University of Luxembourg)
Smart Contracts in Financial Transactions - Taking a Dispute Resolution Perspective
16:30 Corporate Governance and Regulatory Technology
Prof. Wulf Kaal (University of St. Thomas)
Blockchain-Based Corporate Governance
Ass. Prof. Anne Lafarre (Tilburg University)
The Modernization of Shareholder Voting and Engagement: Blockchain technology as a solution?
Mr Pedro Batista and Prof. George Ringe (University of Hamburg)
Regulatory and Supervisory Technologies: A new regulatory dialectic
Dr Jason Grant Allen (Humbolt University)
Law, Economics, and Distributed Organization
18:30 Closing
Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
Conference room, 4th floor
4, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg
This conference is free of charge.
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