Opinion 1/17 of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Friday, 21 June, 14:00-17:45
Round table organised by professors
Hélène Ruiz Fabri (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
Eleftheria Neframi (University of Luxembourg)
On 30 April 2019 the Court of Justice of the European Union held, in Opinion 1/17, that the mechanism for the resolution of disputes between investors and States provided for by the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA) is compatible with EU law.
The round table brings together members of the European institutions, academics and young researchers to discuss questions, such as the autonomy of the EU legal order and the access to an independent tribunal, raised by the creation of a Tribunal and an Appellate Tribunal and, in the longer term, the establishment of an 'Investment Court System' (ICS).
14:00-15:30 Autonomy and Equality of Treatment
Christopher Vajda (Judge, Court of Justice of the EU)
Sonja Boelaert (Senior Legal Adviser, Council of the EU)
Federico Casolari (Professor, University of Bologna)
Merijn Chamon (University of Ghent)
Mauro Gatti (The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Edoardo Stoppioni (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
Moderator: Eleftheria Neframi (Professor, University of Luxembourg)
16:00-17:30 Access to an Independent Tribunal
Allan Rosas (Judge, Court of Justice of the EU)
Matthew Happold (Professor, University of Luxembourg)
Burkhard Hess (Professor, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
Nicolas Pigeon (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Javier Olmedo (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
Ivan Cavdarevic (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
Moderator: Hélène Ruiz Fabri (Professor, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg)
Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
Conference room, 4th floor
4, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg
If you are interested in participating in this lecture, please contact: Sabrina Logrillo, +352 26 94 88 926, events@mpi.lu
Participation is free of charge.
The roundtable will be followed by a cocktail reception.