IC2BE Project
Cross-Border Debt Recovery in the EU
Application of the “second generation” regulations in France and Luxembourg
Friday, 27 September 2019
The workshop is organised in the framework of the IC2BE research project "Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement". Funded by the Justice Programme (2014-2020) of the European Commission, this project (JUST-AG-2016-02) aims to assess the working in practice of the "second generation" of EU regulations on procedural law for cross-border cases, i.e. the European Enforcement Order ("EEO"), European Order for Payment ("EPO"), European Small Claims (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2015/2421) ("ESCP") and the European Account Preservation Order ("EAPO") Regulations. The project is carried out by a European consortium (the MPI Luxembourg and the universities of Antwerp, Complutense of Madrid, Milan, Rotterdam, and Wroclaw) and is coordinated by Prof. Jan von Hein, from the University of Freiburg.
The workshop on September 27th at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg will address the application in practice of the above-mentioned regulations in Luxembourg and France. As in the previous workshop of June 8th 2018, the workshop will bring together both people from academia and practitioners. During this workshop, the research of the MPI Luxembourg within the IC2BE project will be presented. Participation to this workshop is confirmed by professors of various universities, judges, bailiffs, lawyers and representatives from consumer organisations.
Presentations will be given by MPI-researchers themselves on the IC2BE-project, as well as by Mr. Vincent Richard and by Mr. Onntje Hinrichs.
Presentations will be followed by Round Tables with interventions of several experts: Ms. Karin Basenach, Mr. Marc Cagniart, Dr. Agnieszka Frąckowiak-Adamska, Mr. Patrick Gielen, Dr. Marion Ho-Dac, Mr. Jona van Leeuwen, Mr. Max Mailliet, Ms. Clara Mara-Marhuenda, Mr. Grégory Minne, Dr. Carl Friedrich Nordmeier, Dr. Alina Ontanu, Dr. Aurélien Raccah.
The Panel discussions will also count with the presence of, i.a., Prof. Marie-Elodie Ancel, Ms. Katrien Baetens, Ms. Alice Canet, Prof. Gilles Cuniberti, Ms. Katia Fabeck, Dr. Justus Froehlich, Ms. Emilia Fronczak, Prof. Olivier Hance, Mr. Thierry Hoscheit, Dr. Stephan Lesage-Mathieu, Prof. Sévérine Menetrey, Prof. Juliana Mörsdorf, Ms. Iva Peni-Trouillas, Mr. António Pedroso Leal, Mr. Jean-Luc Putz and Dr. Herbert Woopen for a fruitful discussion.
Mr. François Biltgen, Prof. Cyril Nourissat and Prof. Burkhard Hess will chair Sessions.
08.40 Registration
09.00 Welcome and introduction
09.10 Uniform European procedures and service issues
Chaired by: Mr. François Biltgen (Judge, European Court of Justice)
EPO and ESCP in Luxembourg:
Dr. Veerle Van Den Eeckhout (Senior Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
EPO and ESCP in France:
Mr. Carlos Santaló Goris (Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
Service issues and the review mechanisms in the regulations:
Mr. Vincent Richard (Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
Round table:
Dr. Elena Alina Ontanu (Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Dr. Agnieszka Frąckowiak-Adamska (Assistant Professor, University of Wrocław)
Mr. Max Mailliet (Lawyer, Law Firm Max Mailliet, Luxembourg)
Mr. Patrick Gielen (Court bailiff, Advisor to the President UIHJ, Belgium)
Mr. Jona van Leeuwen (Court bailiff, Advisor to the President UIHJ, Netherlands)
11.35 EEO and Enforcement issues
Chaired by: Prof. Cyril Nourissat (Professor, University Jean Moulin, Lyon, France)
EEO in France:
Dr. Veerle Van Den Eeckhout (Senior Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
EEO in Luxembourg:
Mr. Carlos Santaló Goris (Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
Results of the Redress 17 Project:
Mr. Onntje Hinrichs (Jurist, Centre for Consumer Protection in Europe)
Round table:
Mr. Marc Cagniart (Notary, Lambert, Cagniart & Marchay, Paris, France)
Ms. Karin Basenach (Director, European Consumer Centre Luxembourg)
13.30 EAPO and cross-cutting, overarching issues
Chaired by: Prof. Dr. Dres h.c. Burkhard Hess (Director, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
EAPO in France and Luxembourg:
Mr. Carlos Santaló Goris (Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
Round table:
Mr. Grégory Minne (Lawyer, Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg)
Ms. Clara Mara-Marhuenda (Lawyer, Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg)
Dr. Carl Friedrich Nordmeier (Judge, District Court, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Cross-cutting, overarching issues:
Dr. Aurélien Raccah (Associate Professor, Faculty of Law - Catholic University of Lille/Lawyer at ELEA AVOCAT – Paris, France)
Dr. Marion Ho-Dac (Assistant Professor, University of Valenciennes, France)
14.50 Conclusions: Dr. Veerle Van Den Eeckhout (Senior Research Fellow, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law)
15.00 End of the Workshop
The workshop is conceived as a closed event.