First IAPL-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School on European and Comparative Procedural Law
The Summer School took place from 20 to 23 July 2014 at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law.
The Summer School was organized by the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) and the MPI Luxembourg, under the direction of Professor Loic Cadiet (Université Paris I -Sorbonne) and Professor Burkhard Hess (MPI Luxembourg).
This first IAPL-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School brought together young post-doc researchers in European and comparative procedural law, as well as dispute resolution. It gave them the opportunity to openly exchange experiences and share their ideas with both young and experienced proceduralists. In the light of the success of the event, the Summer School will be repeated in the next years.
The inaugural lecture was delivered by Prof. Loïc Cadiet: Towards a New Model of Judicial Cooperation in the European Union.
At the beginning of each session of the Summer School, a participating professor presented a book that is regarded as a fundamental contribution to the development of civil procedure. The texts of the speeches can be downloaded below.
- Prof. Remo Caponi: Introduzione allo Studio Sistematico dei Provvedimenti Cautelari - Piero Calamandrei 1936
- Prof. Peter Gottwald: Die Aufklärungspflicht der Parteien des Zivilprozesses - Rolf Stürner 1976
- Prof. Burkhard Hess: Der Prozess als Rechtslage – James Goldschmidt 1925
- Prof. Marta Requejo: The Contribution of Francisco Beceña González
- Prof. Rolf Stürner: Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung – Konrad Zweigert and Hein Kötz, 1996
See here the program of the Summer School.
See here the list of the selected participants.
The papers discussed during the Summer School are being collected to be published in a book within the MPI Luxembourg book series.
See here the poster of the Summer School.