Research Fellow Ivan Čavdarević awarded with Doctoral degree from the University of Luxembourg
On 16 March 2022, Ivan Čavdarević successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled ‘State Responsibility for Judicial Acts in Investment Arbitration’ conducted under the supervision of Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri.
Conducted in the framework of the PRIDE project financed by the Luxembourg National Research Fund, Ivan's thesis examines whether, and to what extent, investment tribunals’ practice in cases concerning domestic judicial acts differs from comparable practices of other international adjudicatory bodies – in particular, the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
Through the analysis of various standards of protection and the case law of pertinent jurisdictions, the thesis addresses two main questions. First, it examines whether investment treaty standards of protection substantially differ from standards typically applied to domestic judicial acts by other international adjudicatory bodies. Secondly, it studies whether the investment tribunals’ practice in these cases is influenced only by substantive standards, or if it is also shaped by more general traits of investment law. Ultimately, this research – through the analysis of these particular types of investor-state disputes – offers novel insights into the features of the investor-state dispute settlement regime that should be taken into account, especially in light of the current reform initiatives.
Besides Prof. Ruiz Fabri, his jury was composed of Prof. Ursula Kriebaum (University of Vienna), Prof. Federico Ortino (King's College London), Prof. Eric De Brabandere (Leiden University), and Prof. Matthew Happold (University of Luxembourg).
Congratulations Dr Čavdarević! Your colleagues at the MPI Luxembourg are very proud of you!