International Max Planck Research School on Successful Dispute Resolution – Annual seminar

16 December 2021

On 16 December 2021, the MPI Luxembourg will host International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution (IMPRS-SDR) participants for the IMPRS-SDR Annual Seminar. The Seminar will bring together IMPRS students and professors for a presentation of the work carried out by the IMPRS-SDR Fellows. This will entail the presentation of a wide range of research topics in the field of international dispute settlement.

IMPRS-SDR is a doctoral school located in Luxembourg and Heidelberg (Germany), which aims to examine and analyse different mechanisms for solving international disputes. . In doing so, the IMPRS-SDR programme researches the institutional and procedural conditions that lead to successful international dispute resolution.

The participating institutions are the MPI Luxembourg, Heidelberg University, the University of Luxembourg, the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (both in Heidelberg).