International Procedural Law: Between Private International Law and Procedural Law
Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, University of Hamburg
Professor Peter Mankowski is the Director of the Seminar for Private International Law and International Procedural Law at the University of Hamburg. He teaches private law, private international law and international procedural law at the University of Hamburg. 2008-2012 he was also Director of the Seminar for Private Law there. He is member of the Deutscher Rat für Internationales Privatrecht and editor of a number of law journals.
He has authored some 950 publications, mainly on topics of private international law and international procedural law (including international insolvency law), but also on private law, economic law, consumer law, comparative law, legal culture, law and economics, and the law of unfair commercial practices.
Among his publications are the books: "Seerechtliche Vertragsverhältnisse im Internationalen Privatrecht" (1995); von Bar/Mankowski, "Internationales Privatrecht I: Allgemeine Lehren" (2nd ed. 2003); "Beseitigungsrechte" (2003); Staudinger, BGB, Internationales Unterhaltsrecht (2003); Rauscher (ed.), "EuZPR/EuIPR, Brüssel I-VO" (3rd ed. 2011; 4th ed. on the Brüssel Ia-VO forthcoming); Staudinger, BGB, Arts. 13-17b EGBGB (2011); "Interessenpolitik und europäisches Kollisionsrecht" (2011); Magnus/Mankowski (ed.), "Brussels I Regulation" (2nd ed. 2012; new edition on the Brussels Ibis Regulation forthcoming); Magnus/Mankowski (eds.), "Brussels IIbis Regulation" (2nd ed. 2012); Ferrari/Kieninger/Mankowski/Otte/Saenger/Schulze/Staudinger, "Internationales Vertragsrecht" (2nd ed. 2012); v. Münch/Mankowski, "Promotion" (4th ed. 2013).
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