New Procedural Challenges in WTO Disputes: Preliminary Rulings, the Use of Experts and the Independence of Adjudicators
Professor Gabrielle Marceau (University of Geneva), Counsellor, Legal Division, WTO
In whose name? A public law theory of international adjudication
Professor Armin von Bogdandy (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg) and Dr. Ingo Venzke (University of Amsterdam)
Building new identities: a different view on frontier research in law
Professor Armin von Bogdandy (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)
Civil Justice in China: Recent Developments
Workshop on the reforms of the Chinese judicial system with experts from Asia, Europe and America
The state of investor-State arbitration: Is fear triumphing over experience?
Judge Charles N. Brower, Arbitrator (20 Essex Street, London; Iran-United States Claims Tribunal)
2015 Meeting of the "Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht"
The Scientific Association for International Procedural Law and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg jointly organize a conference on “The European Court Association – The International Dimensions of European Law of Civil Procedure”.
The EU Commission's approach to investment protection and ISDS as part of the common commercial policy – recent developments
André von Walter (European Commission), Directorate General for Trade