Professor Gabriele Della Morte

Catholic University of Milan

Gabriele Della Morte (1974) holds a law degree with a final result of 110/110 cum laude from the Law Faculty of the University Federico II in Naples (1998); and a PhD with mention très honorable et félicitations du jury from the Law Faculty of the of the University of Palermo in co-tutelle with the Law Faculty of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2003).

He has taught “International Criminal Law” at the University of Naples L’Orientale (2004-2006); “International Regimes: Institutions and Rules” at the Catholic University of Milan (2007-2011); “Droit International Pénal” at the Académie de droit international humanitaire et de droits humains of Geneva (2007-2008); and is currently Lecturer and Professor (“ricercatore confermato” and “professore aggregato”) at the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Milan (2006-present), where he is currently teaching Public International Law.

He has worked as legal counsel at the United Nations diplomatic conference for the establishment of the International Criminal Court (1998), as an intern at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (2000), and as Defence Counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (2004).

He is the author of various articles in Italian, English and French, and of a monograph on “Amnesty in International Law”. Additionally he has co-edited two volumes with international researchers, and has won the “Premio SIDI” (Award of the Italian Society of International Law) in 2004.