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Dr Edouard Fromageau awarded for his doctoral thesis

On 2 December 2017, the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva awarded Dr Edouard Fromageau, Senior Research Fellow at the MPI Luxembourg, the 2016 Prix François Bellot for his doctoral thesis.

Burkhard Hess nominated as foreign correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute

The Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna (Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute) has elected Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Burkhard Hess, Director of the MPI Luxembourg, as foreign correspondent. The prestigious Academy, founded in 1690, officially welcomed him into its ranks during a ceremony held in Bologna on 24 November.

Judge Iulia Motoc gave a lecture on “The European Court of Human Rights & State Responsibility”

On 23 November, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg welcomed Iulia Motoc, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and Professor of European and International Law at the University of Bucharest. Judge Motoc gave a lecture on the ECtHR and its contribution to the law of State responsibility.

Jurisdiction, Conflict of Laws and Data Protection in Cyberspace (Report)

On 12 October 2017, the Brussels Privacy Hub (BPH) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) Luxembourg held a joint conference entitled “Jurisdiction, Conflicts of Law and Data Protection in Cyberspace”. Attended by nearly 100 participants, the conference included presentations by academics from around the world, as well as from Advocate General Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe of the Court of Justice of the Europea...

Dr Guy Fiti Sinclair (Victoria University of Wellington) “To Reform the World: International Organizations and the Making of Modern States” (OUP, 2017)

On 6 October 2017, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law hosted a book launch of the recently published To Reform the World: International Organizations and the Making of Modern States (Oxford University Press, 2017) authored by Dr Guy Fiti Sinclair (Victoria University of Wellington). The event took the form of a round table with an introduction of the book by Dr Sinclair, and comments from Dr Megan Donaldson (Cambridge University) on “International Organizations and the Making...