14:15 /  4 July 2013

The Kiobel Judgment of the US Supreme Court and the Future of Human Rights Litigation in Civil Courts

Seminar on the consequences of the US Supreme Court judgment in the Kiobel case and the future prospects of human right litigation in civil courts.

17:00 /  2 July 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series

Lex Mercatoria Publica: Private-Public Arbitration as Transnational Regulatory Governance

Max Planck Lecture Series, presentation by Dr. Stephan Schill, LL.M. (NYU) (Max Planck Institute Heidelberg)

10:30 / 13 June 2013

Meeting of the Cercle des Internationalistes et Comparatistes

Conference with participants from the Universities of Nancy, Metz, Strasbourg and Luxembourg

15:30 / 12 June 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series

Cross-Border Road Accidents Claims

Max Planck Lecture Series, presentation by Professor Ángel Espiniella Menéndez (University of Oviedo, Spain)

13:15 / 10 June 2013

Judicial Reforms in Luxembourg and in Europe

Comparative perspectives on recent reforms and reform proposals in the justice sector in Luxembourg and across Europe.

13:30 / 23 May 2013

Satellite Communication and Dispute Resolution

2nd Luxembourg Workshop on Satellite Communication jointly organised by the Research Unit in Law of the University of Luxembourg and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg (23-24 May 2013)

17:00 / 22 May 2013
Max Planck Lecture Series

How International Financial Markets Really Work

Max Planck Lecture Series, presentation by Professor C. Jordan (University of Melbourne, Australia)