Professor Johan Meeusen

University of Antwerp

Johan Meeusen (°1969; LL.M. University of California at Berkeley, 1993; Ph.D. University of Antwerp, 1997) is full professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp (Belgium), where he teaches European Union Law and Private International Law.

He has published numerous articles and books on issues of EU Law and (European) private international law, and has also lectured extensively at universities worldwide.

From 2008 until 2016, Professor Meeusen served as Vice-Rector of the University of Antwerp. Earlier, between 2006 and 2008, he was the Dean of its Faculty of Law.

Professor Meeusen is a Member of the European Group for Private International Law (GEDIP/EGPIL) and an Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law/Académie internationale de droit comparé. In 2002, the European Commission granted him an ad personam Jean Monnet Chair.

In the academic year 2016-17, professor Meeusen has been granted sabbatical leave from the University of Antwerp, in order to pursue a research project on ‘Private International Law in a context of European constitutionalisation and multilevel governance’.

All details on Professor Meeusen’s cv, publications and research projects can be found at