Professor Olivia Tambou

Paris-Dauphine University

Olivia Tambou is Associate Professor at the Paris-Dauphine University specialized in European Law. Her current research interest is the effectiveness of the European Data protection Law. At the time she is writing a book on this topic with a comparative approach between the Law of the Council of Europe, the EU Law and laws of the Member States. She has already written several articles on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) about certification, remedies, profiling, the de-listing right and edited a book on the Right to be Forgotten in Europe and Beyond.

Olivia Tambou is also the creator and editor in chief of blogdroiteuropeen. She has a LLM from Kiel Albrecht University (Germany), a PhD in European Law from the Law faculty of Strasbourg. She received a Marie Curie Scholarship from the European Commission for her post-doctoral research at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. Her main scientific interest lies in legal pluralism (relationships between state legal orders in the EU, transfrontier cooperation, harmonisation, regulation).