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L’état d’urgence, rempart ou menace pour l’État de droit ?
24 May 2016
Round table organised by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
Afin de contribuer aux discussions actuelles relatives à la révision envisagée de l'art. 32 (4) de la Constitution luxembourgeoise en vue de l'introduction d'un état d'urgence, le Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law organise une conférence-débat abordant les enjeux substantiels et procéduraux de ce dispositif.
IAPL-MPI Summer School 2016 was held in July 2016
The second edition of the IAPL-MPI Summer School, organised by the International Association of Procedural Law and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, was held in July 2016.
Under the direction of Professor Loïc Cadiet (Université Paris I Sorbonne) and Professor Burkhard Hess (MPI Luxembourg), and with the academic support of Prof. Marta Requejo Isidro, the second edition Summer School brought together outstanding young post-doc researchers of many different nationalities dealing with compa...
Max Planck Lecture Series: Prof. Dr. Erik Franckx gave a lecture titled 'Position papers' by non-participating parties in arbitral proceedings
On June 28th, 2016, Prof. Erik Franckx illustrated a new tendency in arbitrations conducted under Annex VII of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
In his lecture, Prof. Franckx addressed the use of 'position papers' by non-participating respondent states in recent arbitral proceedings, focusing on the Philippines v. PRC Arbitration and the Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v. Russia).
In both cases parties chose not to appear before the Tribunal, but instead issued...
New book published: La théorie des institutions du droit administratif global - étude des interactions avec le droit international public by Edouard Fromageau
Global Administrative Law (GAL) appeared in 2005, as the result of the combined work of researchers from American universities (mainly New York University School of Law) and Italian universities. GAL's purpose is to analyze a set of mechanisms, rules and procedures comparable to national administrative law used to promote transparency, increased participation,and the establishment of accountability mechanisms, within a hybrid structure (called Global Administrative Space), composed of both inter...
The International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki awarded an honorary doctorate to Professor Burkhard Hess
Professor Burkhard Hess (Executive Director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, and professor at the Faculties of Law of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany, as well as of the University of Luxembourg) has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki on 14 May 2016.
With this distinction, the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki honors Professor Hess' scient...