Professor Attila Tanzi

University of Bologna

Attila M. Tanzi, Ph.D., is Chair of International Law at the University of Bologna; Associate Member 3VB Chambers, London. He has been visiting professor at Queen Mary University of London (2014-2016), Université Paris II, Panthéon Assas (2018) and University of Vienna (2018-2019). He has also been a visiting lecturer in numerous Universities, including J. Nehru University of New Delhi (1993), University College London (1993), Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (1993), University of Amsterdam (1994) and Heidelberg Centre for Latin America (Santiago de Chile) (2013 and 2019).

Counsel or arbitrator in various inter-state and investment arbitrations. Currently a Member of the PCA, a Member of the PCA specialised list of arbitrators for environmental disputes, Conciliator at the OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, Chairman of the Implementation Committee of the UNECE 1992 Water Convention. He is instructed by governments and international organisations on international law issues.

He has held numerous academic positions and has published extensively in English, Spanish, French and Italian on State responsibility, foreign investment law, environmental law, law of the sea, dispute settlement, law of international organisations and jurisdictional immunities.

His current research projects include “The principle iura novit curia in international judicial and arbitral proceedings”, which will be the subject of his special course at the Hague Academy of International Law during the 2019 Summer Session.