Remo Caponi (1960) is full professor of Civil Procedure at the University of Florence since 2001, after obtaining a PhD in civil procedure at the University of Bologna (1989). He is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (from 1994 onwards, various research stays at the Universities of Bielefeld, Freiburg and Humboldt University of Berlin), a Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute (2016), a Senior Hauser Global Research Fellow at the New York University (2014-2015), a visiting professor at the University of Heidelberg (2014-2015), a fellow of the DAAD at the Humboldt University of Berlin (2014). He taught Transnational Contracts and Litigation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Siena (1995-2009) and Civil Procedure at the Faculty of Law of the University of Siena (1995-2000). He was wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bielefeld (1989-1991), while teaching Introduction to the Italian Law.
Remo is currently member of the International Scientific Advisory Board (Fachbeirat) of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, of the Presidium of the International Association of Procedural Law, of the Steering Committee supervising the ELI UNIDROIT joint project on European Rules of Civil Procedure. He participated in the International Consortium (led by the MPI Luxembourg) charged of the Evaluation Study of National Procedural Laws and Practices under EU Consumer Law for the EU Commission (2015-2016). He was a member of the Expert Group charged of the Evaluation of the Scientific Research in the field of Legal Sciences in Italy at the Italian Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research, ANVUR (2015-2016). He is co-founder of the joint law degree Giurisprudenza italiana e tedesca, University of Florence and University of Cologne. He is founding member of the European Law Institute and was member of its Executive Committee (2013-2017). He was a member the Board of the Trustees of the Academy of European Law (2007-2015). He has served as reporter for the European Commission and the European Parliament in studying and evaluating aspects of the European law of civil procedure and insolvency (2010-2011, 2012).
Remo has authored 4 books and about 200 papers in Italian, English and German. Some of his works have been translated in Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian.
His main research interests are in the field of civil procedure, comparative civil procedure and constitutional law. His current research projects focus on the relationship between Procedural Law and global governance and – in the framework of the CPLJ project – the alternative dispute resolution.