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Matteo Gargantini selected as member of Consultative Working Group at European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Dr. Matteo Gargantini has been selected as a member of the Consultative Working Group which advises ESMA’s Corporate Finance Standing Committee on issues related to prospectuses, transparency, corporate governance and takeover bids.
New book published: “De l’affaire Katanga au contrat social global: Un regard sur la Cour pénale internationale” by Juan Branco
On June 25th 2014, Germain Katanga became the first person to be convicted and sentenced by the International Criminal Court. As his case continued to be cloaked in silence, this Congolese villager from the remote province of Ituri became a figure in the early history of a rising institution. Through a deconstruction of each stage of the proceedings against Katanga for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the ICC, this work attempts to understand how an institution built to prosecute the ma...
Call for papers - "DEBACLES - Illusions and Failures in the History of International Adjudication"
The Department of International Law and Dispute Resolution launches a call for papers for the Research Workshop "DEBACLES - Illusions and Failures in the History of International Adjudication/ Illusions et échecs dans l’histoire de la juridiction internationale". The purpose of the DEBACLES project is to share cutting-edge research on specific failed attempts to create and operate international judicial forums as well as on broader historical/theoretical issues related to such failures...
Prof. Dr. Marta Requejo Isidro Appointed Senior Managing Editor of the REDI
On December 2015, shortly before the new year, the Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, REDI, renewed its board appointing Prof. Dr. Marta Requejo as its senior managing editor, with Prof. Dr. Araceli Mangas Martín (University Complutense, Madrid) chosen as editor in chief.The Revista Española de Derecho International can be described as the most outstanding Spanish spoken journal on International Law and Private International Law. Founded in 1948 and published twice a year uninterruptedly...
EU Civil Justice: Current Issues and Future Outlook
A new book co-edited by the MPI has been recently published