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Visit of Mr. Félix Braz, Minister of Justice of Luxembourg
The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg was honored to receive the visit of the Minister of Justice on Monday 10 February 2014.
Personal library of Professor Giuseppe Tarzia donated to the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
The personal library of Giuseppe Tarzia, late Professor of civil procedural law at the University of Milan, was delivered to the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg. The library was generously donated by Professor Tarzia's widow, Mrs. Roselisa Rampi De Marco.
The Kiobel Judgment of the US Supreme Court and the Future of Human Rights Litigation – Seminar at the MPI Luxembourg
On July 4th, 2013, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law invited experts from the USA and Europe to a colloquium to discuss the consequences of the US Supreme Court’s decision in the proceedings Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum Co.
Involvement of the Institute in the new ILA Committee on the Protection of Privacy
The ILA Committee on Protection of Privacy in Private International and Procedural Law will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hess.
Prof. Andrew Dickinson, external scientific fellow of the Institute, will be the general rapporteur
The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg has been inaugurated
The Institute has been inaugurated on the 8th of May with an Opening Ceremony in the presence of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.