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Call for Papers for ESIL 2015
A call for paper was launched for a planned agora on “The Judicialization of International Law - A Mixed Blessing?” at the ESILAnnual Conference 2015
New book published: "Revisiting Van Gend En Loos", co-edited by Hélène Ruiz Fabri
„Revisiting Van Gend En Loos“
Editorial Board: Hélène RUIZ FABRI; Guy F. SINCLAIR; Arie ROSEN
Fifty years have passed since the European Court of Justice gave what is arguably its most consequential decision: Van Gend en Loos. The UMR de droit comparé de Paris, the European Journal of International Law (EJIL), and the International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-CON) decided to mark this anniversary with a workshop, held in Paris end of June 2013, on the case and the myriad of issues surroun...
German Federal President Joachim Gauck welcomes the founding of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
On the second evening of his official state visit to Luxembourg, Federal President Gauck and his spouse Daniela Schadt held a gala dinner in the Cercle Cité.
Professor Bruno Simma gave a lecture at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg on 5th November 2014
Bruno Simma, a former Judge of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), spoke about the topic “Human Rights before the International Court of Justice”. An audience of over 70 participants followed the lecture and the subsequent discussion.
Call for application for Max Planck scholarships (2015)
The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg offers a limited number of research scholarships for foreign scholars to support their research stay at the Institute