Eduardo Oteiza is a full-time research professor and director of the LLM program at La Plata National University (Argentina).
He was a post-doc Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute and visiting fellow at the Universities of Bologna, Catania, Medellín, Yale, York, Pompeu Fabra, Genova, Turin and Lima, among others.
Professor Oteiza served as President of the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law (2014-2018) and of the Argentine Association of Procedural Law (2012-2014). He is vice president of the International Association of Procedural Law (2011-2019).
In 2016 he received the Year Award from the Fondazione « Enrico Redenti ». He is codirector (with Michele Taruffo, Jordi Nieva Fenoll and Daniel Mitidiero) of “Process and Law”, Marcial Pons Editor.
He teaches and writes about legal reforms, judicial independence, procedural law principles and the dialogue between judges regarding constitutional and human rights.
At MPI Luxembourg his research project concerns a comparative analysis of justice reform and how law theories of comparative law translate into practice.