Professor Fabrice Picod

University Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), Paris

Fabrice Picod holds a PhD in Law of the University of Strasbourg (1994) and became Professor in 1996. Since 1999, he is Professor at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2). He is specialised in European Union Law and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European and Procedural Law. He is Director of the Master Program “Droit et contentieux de l’Union européenne” at the University Paris 2. Professor Picod is member of the Academic Scientific Council “Conseil national des Universités” since 2011. He presided the French Association of European Studies (CEDECE) between 2009-2013. He was Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Union (1990-1991).

Professor Picod is Founding Director of the Collection “Droit de l’Union européenne”, published by Bruylant (Brussels) and Director of the “Jurisclasseur Europe”, published by LexisNexis, since 2005. He is Co-director of the “Revue des affaires européennes” and of the “Annuaire de droit de l’Union européenne”, since 2003.

His publications are related to EU law, human rights, litigation, state aids, competition, consumer protection, internal market (goods, services and capital), His research project in Luxembourg concerns EU procedural law.