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PaperJam article: Otto Hahn medallist Dr. Edoardo Stoppioni from the MPI

First Otto Hahn Medal awarded to a Researcher at Max-Planck Institute Luxembourg

Max-Planck Institute Luxembourg is proud to announce that on 17 June 2020 for the first time an Otto Hahn Medal was awarded to a young researcher of the MPI Luxembourg.
The Otto Hahn Medal is awarded annually by the Max Planck Society. The prize is intended to motivate especially gifted junior scientists and researchers to pursue a future university or research career. A total of 26 Otto Hahn Medals have been awarded this year, whereas 10 of them are selected within the Social Science-Humanitie...

PaperJam interview with Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri

An interview with Prof. Hélène Ruiz Fabri published on 15 June 2020 in Paperjam details upcoming developments for the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg. Prof. Ruiz Fabri lays out the implementation plan for these upcoming changes, including the creation of a third department in 2024 and a potential change in location in 2027.

Research Fellow Elena Ivanova awarded with Doctoral degree from the University of Luxembourg

It is a great pleasure to congratulate Dr Elena Ivanova, currently a Research Fellow at the International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution (IMPRS-SDR), for having been awarded the Doctoral degree by the University of Luxembourg.
On 20 May 2020, Elena Ivanova successfully defended her thesis titled “The Competing Jurisdictions of the WTO and the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Fora in the Context of Multifaceted Disputes”. The Jury consisted of her thesis superviso...

Coronavirus: prevention measures at the MPI Luxembourg

The health, welfare and safety of our guests, visitors and staff is a top priority for the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg. Following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and subsequent rise in COVID-19 infections in Europe and in Luxembourg, the Institute’s Management Board has adopted a number of precautionary measures to minimise the spread of any infection.
The latest initiatives and recommendations from the Government of Luxembourg advised that a maximum of staff should work from home....