Daniel Sarmiento is a professor of Administrative and European Union Law at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, where he currently teaches on European Union Law in both graduate and post-graduate programmes. He is also a faculty member of the Instituto de Empresa.
His research interests are focused on constitutional aspects of European Union Law, particularly the role of courts within the Union’s legal order. He has written extensively on the Union’s judiciary, its sources of law, institutional law and fundamental rights. At the current time he is also actively researching in the area of Economic and Monetary Union.
He has a special interest in the Court of Justice and the procedural framework under Union Law. His research interests have also been complemented by extensive practical experience. He was a legal secretary at the Court of Justice (2007-2015) and he is currently a practicing lawyer handling cases before both the Court of Justice and the General Court.
He is the author of several books, book chapters and articles on EU Law. At the time, he is working on dispute settlement systems between the EU and third countries, with a special focus on the jurisdictional arrangements resulting from Brexit.