Shujie Feng is an associate professor and director of Innovation & Competition Law Center of the law school of Tsinghua University (Beijing). His research, teaching and practicing areas include IP law (trademark, copyright, patent, industrial design, domain name and unfair competition law) and WTO law. He is Vice-president of Trademark & Competition law committee of the IP Case Law Center of the Chinese Supreme People’s Court, Vice-President of the IP Judicial Protection Center of Beijing, Counsel member of Chinese Trademark Association, President of the IP working Group of CCIFC. He was visiting professor in Milan University, University Paris I, University Toulouse I and University Paris XI. He is one of 50 representative persons for the 50th Anniversary of the Sino-French diplomatic relationship. He is author of more than 50 research articles on intellectual property related issues in English, French and Chinese. He is author of the textbook Trademark Law: Theory and Practice (Renmin University of China Press, 2017) and co-author of two textbooks: one on E-commerce law and the other on Private international law. He gives courses on international IP protection, trademark law, intellectual property law, unfair competition law, Chinese business law.His research projects in 2018 include TRIPs related dispute settlement, domain name dispute settlement, internet related unfair competition, international technology transfer control.