Since 2004, Marie-Élodie Ancel is a professor at the Law Faculty of the University Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC), where she teaches private international law and arbitration law. She is the founder of two post-grade programs in International Business Litigation and Arbitration.
Professor Ancel regularly publishes case notes and articles in private international law, especially in the fields of contracts, intellectual property and e-commerce. Her first book was dedicated to “The Characteristic Performance of the Contract” and constituted in a research led in French contract law and European private international law. Co-writer with professors Pascale Deumier and Malik Laazouzi of a book on international contracts published in 2016, Professor Ancel is also the co-founder and scientific director of Lynxlex, an online legal database dedicated to the private international law instruments of the European Union. She is currently working with Professor Hélène Gaudemet-Tallon on the sixth edition of her book “Compétence et exécution des jugements en Europe” (LGDJ).
Professor Ancel is Secretary General of the Comité français de droit international privé and co-Secretary General of the Arbitration Academy. She is member of the Comité français de l’arbitrage, the International Law Association, the Société de législation comparée and Ambassador for France of the Association des Alumni et Amis de l’Institut Suisse de droit comparé.
Current research project:
Professor Ancel’s current research project aims at developing the Lynxlex database ( that covers all EU instruments on international private law and the related case law from the European Court of justice and from French courts. Improvement will result from the creation of an English interface, the harmonization of key words, the addition of new decisions (mainly from Belgium and Luxembourg), the duplication where relevant of past case law under new regulations in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I Recast and 2015/848).